2024 Territory 10 Key Leadership Conference Recap

2024 Territory 10 Key Leadership Conference

CST 10 held its first Key Leadership Conference in the newly expanded Territory November 8 and 9.  The venue was the Queensbury Hotel and Convention Center in Glens Falls, NY.   We greatly appreciated their hospitality and, in particular, the food service staff did an excellent job.

There were 125 Scouters in attendance, with at least one from each of the 21 councils within the Territory.

The program had something for everyone, from Scout Executives to volunteers at every level.

The keynote speaker was Scouting America Chief Marketing Officer Michael Ramsey. He did a great opening presentation Friday evening and stayed with us for most of Saturday. He commented that it was a great conference and he enjoyed talking to many of the participants.

Special thanks go to CST 10 Commissioner-Elect Dot Young and her team for making the Conference a success. Thanks to everyone for your support and attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the next Key Leadership Conference in the fall of 2025.

Save the Date: The next territory conference will be April 5, 2025 in Western Massachusetts at the Lee High School. This will be a one day event for focusing on program, NCAP, membership, commissioners and district chair and committee training. Details will be coming soon.


